Thursday 18 February 2010

Of Mardi Gras and budgetting.

Between midday on Tuesday and about five on Wednesday, I spent the equivelent of about seven minutes at home. Living life to the full? I think so.
Thursday afternoon was spent a-wandering round town with George, contemplating buying an audio tape of the Moomins, testing out glasses that doubled up as straws (great idea, not so great in the execution) and having a Finnish-Swedish band battle. He bet me that I couldn't name as many Finnish bands as he could name Swedish ones. I did. He made all of his up. I win.
Then I went home to grab some Häagen - Dazs, and went out to Hayley's. Alchohol was consumed by all but me, I woke up with a hangover (THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS), we watched The Grudge 2 and talked fairly candidly about bases. And Emma had awesome novelty glasses. And I slept in my clothes.

 (I look hideous.)

THEN I went home again to change my t-shirt and brush my teeth, before going to Cosmo with Emma and Georgie. Ate mammoth amounts despite it's being the first day of Lent, then wandered around town. I spent a grand total of 50p. I am awesome at saving up. Not that this will last due to the simultaneous discovery of this jacket and Brother Firetribe's recently released DVD. Today's music comes from that DVD.

Peace & Love

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